Saturday, August 14, 2010

In Remembrance, And More Of Bafin

Our little baby finch didn't make it as we feared. He was just too tiny to survive and we knew he wouldn't make it almost as soon as we saw him. The parents also threw out their last remaining egg.

Now that Bafin is out of his nest, we've taken out the nests from the cage, so that both couples stop laying eggs. One Bafin is more than enough for us! However Ross and Monica; and Chandler and Becks have 5 eggs each, so let's see what happens with those.

Coming back to Bafin, here are a few pics of me holding him, and him sitting on my hand. He's turned out to be one cute little finch! You can see how small his head is when you compare it to the size of my fingernail. He also drank water and took a bath for the first time today!

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