Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Our Baby's Growing Up!

Our last ( and only ) remaining baby finch is growing up ... and at an alarming pace! I kid you not - he/she seems to grow by the hour!

The baby now has feathers and a well defined tail, not a stump that it looked like a few days back. It's eyes have also opened, and it's actually tentatively starting to respond to us if we make a chirping sound by turning and looking. It's all of 16 days old now, and if all goes well, in another 5 days or so it should start trying to leave the nest.

Here are some photographs of Baby Finch - not very great ones because the camera battery died on me after I took just a few.

Here you can see the baby's eyes open.

And here's it's tail!

And it's feathers

On a separate note, if Chandler and Becks's eggs are fertilized, then they should hatch any day now. They currently have 5 eggs. Ricky and Rachel's eggs were laid a day later, so their 4 eggs should be ready to hatch too.

Ross and Monica have 2 eggs but their's were laid just 3 days ago.

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