Sunday, August 1, 2010

Our Finchies Get Yet Another New Home!

Sunday morning ... rain, floods, gloomy dull weather ... nothing deterred us from the mission at hand - which was going back to Galiff Street to get another cage for our babies! The reason we decided to get another cage was that with four couples in the same cage, even though it was a large one, it wasn't large enough to stop them trying to steal grass and twigs from each other's cages which was causing a fair amount of feather pecking and chaos among them.

We managed to get a new cage which was as large as the first one, about 3 feet in length. However it also came with a removable divider, which meant that when required, it could be converted into two seperate cages which suited our purpose exactly!

Once we brought the cage home we transferred two of the nests into the new cage, and then it took a fair amount of careful trying before we could catch four of them and put them into their new homes ( Ross and Monica went into one part, and Chandler and Becks went into the other ).

Our birdies seemed a little unsettled with their new surroundings,with the four in the old cage not knowing what to do with so much space and wondering where their birdy buddies had gone, and the other two couples wondering where in the world they were, but within a matter of minutes they were flying around and settling into their nests!

Here are a few photographs of the new cage, and the old one above it.

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